Tres formas de graficar una línea

Tres formas de graficar una línea

Graphing a line in the xy-axis is one of the most basic skills in algebra that you should learn. In this lesson, we are going to go over tres métodos that are commonly used. Learn each method and you’ll be able to decide which one works better depending on the given problem.

I have created separate lessons for each. Click the link at the bottom of each method.

Method 1: Constructing a Table of Values

This is the most straightforward method of graphing a line. What we need to do is to select some values of x and then evaluate those values in the given equation to get the corresponding values of y. Finally, plot those points in the XY-axis, and connect them with a straight edge.

Tres formas de graficar una línea GRAPHING A LINE USING TABLE OF VALUES

Method 2: Using the Slope and y-intercept (y = mx+b)

The first step is to make sure that the equation of the line is in the Slope-Intercept Form, that is y=mx+b.

  • Start by plotting the y-intercept which is (0,b).
  • Find another point using the slope m with the y-intercept at the reference point.
  • Conecta los dos puntos con una regla.
Tres formas de graficar una línea GRAPHING A LINE USING SLOPE AND Y-INTERCEPT

Method 3: Connecting the x and y-Intercepts

Remember, we only need two points to graph a line. With that idea, we take advantage of the two “convenient” points which can easily be solved algebraically from the equation of the line; namely, the x-intercept (x,0) and y-intercept (0,y).

  • To solve for the x-intercept, let y=0 then solve for x.
  • To solve for the y-intercept, let x=0 then solve for y.
  • Connect the two points using a ruler.
Tres formas de graficar una línea GRAPHING A LINE USING X- AND Y-INTERCEPTS

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Graficar una línea usando una tabla de valores
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